Friday, January 28, 2011

Virus Alert!


The windows protection virus is back and it's pissed off ;) I've helped to clean both Georgette's and Ronni's computer from it. You guys will be getting the next calls to help fix it.

Here's what it looks like.
A pop up comes up that says "your computer is infected" or "you need virus software" or something like that. It looks like a normal windows message and most people just click on it.... It's already too late by the time you see that message, but clicking on it makes it worse.

Here's how you kill it.

1 - Shut the computer off as quickly as possible.

This virus gets into your programs and starts replicating itself and taking over your programs. When you run an infected program it just gets worse. Shutting the computer down makes it stop temporarily.

If using "shut down" does not work then you have to hold the power button down until it shuts off. Ronni's computer was already at this stage when Tyler called me. That's why you couldn't get it into safe mode.

2 - Reboot in safe mode.

To do this, tap the F8 key while the computer is booting up. If you already see the windows screen it's too late. You have to keep tapping it from the second you hit the power button until you see the "go into safe mode" screen.

3 - Restore the computer to a date that is at least a week ago.

Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore

Follow the instructions in the restore tool.

4 - Run Malwarebytes. This will kill any leftover virus stuff that's still stuck in there. Like brushing your teeth after eating a big steak.

You guys should run malwarebytes on your computer as soon as possible.

Call me if you have any questions.


1 comment:

  1. I havent even seen this virus yet i guess im lucky huh. haha

