Thursday, January 13, 2011

BIOS reset - again

My computer had a critical issue again. I reset the BIOS like Tyler did earlier and it's back up and running.

As it was booting back up, I went into system configuration mode to check out some of the settings. There is a setting on this motherboard for "smartfan". It was set to which basically means that it decides when to turn the fan on or off.

Since the BIOS shutdown is sometimes caused by a the processor heating up too much, I changed it to which should cause the fan to run more often and keep the processor cooler. You can NEVER get a processor too cold unless you put it in a freezer or something.

time for the 10 point question:

What does BIOS stand for?


1 comment:

  1. I did some research and figured out that BIOS means Basic Input/Output System.

