Friday, January 28, 2011

Next point question - Aliases

Look at the warcraft icon on your desktop. Do you see the little arrow on the left bottom corner? That means that it's an alias.

An alias means that its a file that only refers to something that's doing the actual work. To find out where the actual work is being done Right Click and go to Properties. It will look like the window below...

See the "Target" line.

You can get to that folder by starting under "Computer"

Then follow the trail. On mine it's

Computer -> C: -> Public -> Games -> World Of Warcraft.

The last one listed is "Launcher.exe". That's the name of the file that does the actual work. If you click on that file, you'll launch WoW the same as from your desktop.

All of those other files in that folder are other program files used by WoW. Everything from patch updates to files that make the login page for you.

Here's your quiz.

Snip the properties window and where it leads you. Mine is below

10 points.


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