Test Scoring

Here's how the test scoring will work.

You'll get points for each correct answer or item.  There will be extra points ifyou're the first one who answers...

I will add rewards here that you can buy with your points.


Tyler - 80
10 points - for the first picture capture post
10 pionts - for the biostar motherboard manual
10 points - for the correct definition of CMOS
20 bonus points - for answering questions about what happened to his computer
10 points CMD colors
10 points safe mode
10 points temp monitor

Noah - 100 points
10 points for picture capture
10 points for safe mode
10 points CMD colors
10 points IP address post
10 points for fixing his mom's internet explorer
10 points for Aliases project
10 points for BIOS definition
10 points for MSConfig
10 points for virus fix and posting
10 points temp monitor

Isaiah - 70 points
10 points for picture capture
10 points for safe mode
10 points for CMD colors
10 points for fixing skype and posting a picture of a total hottie
10 points for fixing his mom's computer
10 points for firewall
10 points temp monitor