Friday, May 6, 2011

Points and software


Summer is almost here and its time to add some cool stuff to those computers. Time to trade in your points for something. 200 points is the magic number.

For 10 more points, give me some options on what you want. Do some research on the kinds of things you want to add to your computer and what the requirements are for that particular software. Before we order it, we need to be sure that it will work.

Tyler, the thing you are asking about is the LINE6 GUITAR PORT. The link to the website is here.

Go there, find the requirements and post them. Then tell me if your computer is compatible with all of those requirements.

Noah and Isaiah, there are a lot of cool things available - video game creators, surround sound systems, lightup video game keyboards, movie making software, . Try to keep the price to around $100 and then figure out how to get more points...


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