Friday, October 15, 2010

Critical Issue Fixed - Good Job Tyler

Yesterday Tyler called with a computer that was not working.

The 2 LED's on the side of his motherboard were not lighting and he correctly identified that it was a CPU Error.

So... we looked up some stuff on the internet by searching for "biostar, motherboard, and CPU error". Eventually we found out that we needed to reset the CMOS chip.

Resetting the CMOS chip procedure is found on page 15 of your manual. Tyler was able to perform the CMOS reset and his computer is back up and running.

This is a CRITICAL FIX for a computer and one that would cost $300 or $400 to do if you took it into a repair shop. You should avoid doing this unless it is absolutely necessary because it can be very hard on your motherboard... but... if you know somebody whose computer is really not working it just might save it.

Congrats to Ty for being able to do it correctly.

Now for the questions - post a reply to this post to answer the questions:

Tyler - Can you describe what your computer was doing before we reset the CMOS?
Tyler - Can you describe where to find the CMOS Header on your motherboard?
Tyler - Can you tell us what the CMOS header is called on the motherboard?
Tyler - Can you describe what you did with that jumper in order to fix the CMOS?
Bonus points depending on how well you answer.

Anybody (worth 10 points) - What does CMOS stand for?
Anybody (worth 10 points) - Find the biostar motherboard manual somewhere online and post the link to this blog - Hint: you can do a google search as long as you have the motherboard name correct.

1 comment:

  1. CMOS stands for Complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor
